The movie follows the story of a suspicious husband who hires a detective to follow his wife on a cruise ship. However, things get complicated when the detective falls for a honky-tonk singer who is impersonating the wife. Mistaken identities, romantic misunderstandings, and musical numbers ensue as the passengers navigate their way through a series of comedic twists and turns.
In 'It's a Great Feeling,' chaos ensues in Hollywood as an aspiring actress from a small town gets caught up in showbiz shenanigans. With a nervous breakdown, a ruse gone wrong, and a train trip to Los Angeles, the movie takes viewers on a wild ride through the world of film and television production. As the aspiring actress tries to make it big, she encounters various obstacles, including womanizers, deceptive movie producers, and the allure of fame and ambition. Will she be able to navigate the showbiz landscape and achieve her dreams?
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