The Drummer follows the journey of a talented drummer who finds himself torn between his passion for music and his family's criminal activities. As he navigates the underground world of gangsters and rock music, he also explores the teachings of Zen philosophy, leading him to discover his true identity and purpose in life. With the backdrop of Hong Kong's vibrant music scene, this movie explores themes of love, redemption, and self-realization.
Give Me Your Hand is a drama and romance film about two twin brothers who embark on a road trip to discover themselves and reconcile their differences. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and encounters that test their bond and help them understand the true meaning of brotherhood.
Set in Kenya during the Mau Mau Rebellion, 'Something of Value' tells the story of two childhood friends, Kimani and Peter, who find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. As tensions rise and violence escalates, their friendship is put to the ultimate test. With themes of colonialism, racism, and insurgency, the film explores the deep-rooted injustice and segregation that defined this historical period.
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