The Blue Butterfly is a heartwarming adventure film about a young boy named Pete who has a terminal illness. On a trip to Costa Rica, he meets an entomologist and becomes fascinated with finding a rare Blue Morpho butterfly. With the help of his new friend and a local guide, Pete embarks on a dangerous expedition deep into the jungle, facing various challenges along the way. Through this journey, Pete learns about courage, redemption, and the power of love.
Posse from Hell follows a group of determined lawmen as they track down a gang of bank robbers who have been terrorizing the Old West. Led by an experienced captain, the posse faces numerous challenges and dangers along the way, including a vengeful woman, a former deputy seeking revenge, and the harsh desert terrain. As the pursuit intensifies, the posse must confront their own demons and make difficult choices in their quest for justice.
In Doctor Faustus, a man named Faustus sells his soul to the devil in exchange for unlimited knowledge and power. However, he soon realizes the high cost of his decision as he faces the consequences and struggles with his own morality.
What's the Matador? is a comedy short film set in Mexico. The story revolves around a mix-up that occurs during a bullfight, leading to hilarious situations. From reverse-footage antics to slapstick comedy, this film is filled with laughter and absurdity. With mistaken identities, jealous husbands, and lost luggage, the characters navigate through chaos as they try to resolve the situation. Will they be able to untangle the mess and save the day?
Nuyorican Dream is a documentary film that follows the lives of a Puerto Rican family living in New York City. The film explores their struggles with poverty, addiction, and dysfunctional family dynamics, as well as their hopes, dreams, and belief in the American Dream.
17-year-old Skjold and 18-year-old Isabel are no longer together, but they will always be each other's first love. The film throws us into a whirlwind of conversations, quarrels and happy moments during a long summer in Copenhagen. A vulnerable and confusing time for the two of them, as they try to define who they are, both as a couple and as individuals. They are entangled in romantic feelings and a strong friendship, and find it hard to let each other go, so to break with her feelings, Isabel decides to move to Barcelona on her own. But will their new freedom give Skjold and Isabel the answers to who they are? Emil Næsby Hansen is the fly on the wall, who effortlessly and without interfering is there with the couple during their ups and downs, managing to capture all the emotional nuances. From romantic love and unbearable loneliness to poetic freedom, with the Danish summer as a moody backdrop.
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