In Meridian, a young art restorer named Catherine travels to Italy to restore an old painting located in a mysterious castle. As she delves deeper into the restoration, Catherine uncovers a dark prophecy and a portal to another world. With the help of a priest and a carnival performer, she must break the curse that has plagued the castle for centuries. Along the way, Catherine encounters evil magicians, a sideshow featuring a strongman and a snake charmer, and an evil twin. She must confront her own fears and find true love to overcome the supernatural forces at play.
A sassy carnival performer named Tira works her way towards a wealthy bachelor named Kirby. Along the way, she faces various challenges and schemes, only to realize her own desires and find true love.
After surviving a bus accident caused by an electrical tower, a scientist is experimented on and gains super strength. However, he is manipulated by a mad scientist who uses him as a mindless slave. As the scientist becomes a monster, a newspaper reporter investigates the strange occurrences and tries to save him from his fate.
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Sammy Hoover was born in the hills of West Virginia in the early 1930s, and he has been around the block a time or two. In this documentary, the transgendered performer, now known as Barbara LeMay, recounts previous adventures as a carnival 'hootch' dancer, and being a 'homorphrodite' while in between shows at a Hollywood-area strip joint.
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