When the Sea Rises is a heartwarming comedy-drama that follows the journey of a performance artist in Northern France. The movie explores themes of love, music, and self-discovery as the protagonist navigates the challenges of her unconventional lifestyle and unrequited love. With elements of comedy, romance, and backstage drama, the film takes the audience on a captivating journey filled with laughter, emotion, and unforgettable moments.
The Fifteen Streets is a gripping drama set in the early 1900s in Newcastle, England. It tells the story of a working-class family struggling against poverty and the rigid class system of the time. The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the divisions between social classes through the lives of its characters. The arrival of a female teacher brings hope to the community and sparks a forbidden romance, leading to a series of dramatic events that will change their lives forever.
A hootchy-kootchy whodunit set at a small seedy carnival where a reporter tries to discover who killed his boss while his girlfriend inexplicably joins the burlesque show!
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