Derek is a heartwarming and melancholic comedy-drama that follows the life of Derek Noakes, an eccentric caretaker in a care home. The series explores themes of kindness, friendship, and the beauty of the human spirit. Derek's interactions with the residents and his unlikely friendship with his colleagues create touching and humorous moments. Set in England, Derek presents a quirky and heartfelt portrayal of the experiences within a care home.
The Dumping Ground is a Drama/Family TV show that takes place in a foster care home in the United Kingdom. It follows the lives of a group of children and their experiences with social services.
Marla Grayson is a scammer who becomes a guardian for the elderly she pretends can't care for themselves. She sells their assets until she meets Jennifer Peterson, a wealthy retiree with a hidden fortune. Marla and her girlfriend Fran exploit Jennifer, but things take a dangerous turn when Jennifer's son, a crime lord, gets involved. Marla's greed and manipulation lead to a series of events that ultimately result in her downfall.
The Story of Tracy Beaker follows the life of Tracy, a 10-year-old girl in foster care, as she navigates the challenges and adventures of her everyday life. With her vivid imagination and strong personality, Tracy creates her own world in the care home, often clashing with her foster mother, but forming lasting friendships along the way.
A young boy, Oliver, whose parents have just divorced, forms an unexpected friendship with Vincent, a misanthropic war veteran who lives next door. Vincent becomes Oliver's mentor and teaches him street survival and worldly ways. When Vincent faces difficulties in life, their bond strengthens, revealing the best in each other.
Follows the deaths of Peter Farquhar and Ann Moore-Martin in the village of Maids Moreton, Buckinghamshire, and the extraordinary events that unfolded in the following years.
When a construction worker accidentally uncovers a graveyard, a group of cockney bank robbers must fend off a horde of zombies to save their grandpa in a retirement home.
Help is a drama movie set in Liverpool, England, during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the story of a 47-year-old man with early-onset Alzheimer's disease and his daughter who works as a carer. The movie focuses on their struggles with isolation, violent outbursts, and the impact of the pandemic on their lives. The narrative sheds light on their personal protective equipment and the challenges faced by patients and caregivers during the pandemic.
Short Term 12 follows Grace, a young supervisor at a foster care facility. She navigates through the challenges of helping troubled teenagers while dealing with her own personal turmoil. As Grace begins to form a connection with a new resident, she is forced to confront her own past and find strength in the face of adversity.
The Virtues is a TV mini-series set in Ireland that follows a man named Joseph, who is dealing with alcoholism and the aftermath of child abuse. He embarks on a journey to reconnect with his long-lost sister and confront his inner demons.
After being released from prison, an ex-convict seeks revenge on those who wronged him and took the fall for someone else's crime.
Tracy Beaker Returns follows the life of Tracy Beaker, a care home resident who has now grown up and works as a care worker at the same home. The show explores the challenges and triumphs she faces while dealing with the kids and staff at the care home.
In Lilting, a man struggles to communicate with his deceased lover's mother due to a language barrier, leading to misunderstandings and frustration. As they navigate their grief, they discover the importance of understanding and acceptance. This moving film explores themes of loss, culture clash, and the complexities of human relationships.
Two elderly women, Nina and Madeleine, have been secretly in love for decades. Everybody, including Madeleine's family, thinks they are simply neighbors, sharing the top floor of their building. They come and go between their two apartments, enjoying the affection and pleasures of daily life together, until an unforeseen event turns their relationship upside down and leads Madeleine's daughter to gradually unravel the truth about them.
After her husband and daughter are murdered, a woman goes on a mission to seek revenge on the criminals responsible. As she delves deeper into the world of crime and drug trafficking, she uncovers shocking truths and faces dangerous obstacles.
The Life and Loves of a She-Devil follows Ruth, a woman who seeks revenge on her unfaithful husband by transforming herself into a powerful and supernatural being. Along the way, she encounters riotous children, deals with a drunken mother, and navigates the complexities of love and power. This dark comedy explores themes of revenge and the lengths one will go to for justice.
Harvie Krumpet is an animated film that tells the story of a man named Harvie, who faces a series of unfortunate events and challenges throughout his life. From his childhood in Poland to his move to Australia, Harvie experiences moments of triumph and tragedy, all while maintaining a dark sense of humor. The film explores themes of mortality, resilience, and the absurdity of life.
Doctor Lisa is a powerful biographical drama that tells the story of Dr. Lisa, a dedicated social activist and humanitarian aid worker. The movie explores her journey as she tackles various challenges and obstacles, including her husband's terminal cancer, a stolen wristwatch, and a police investigation. With themes of love, loss, and the fight for justice, Doctor Lisa is a compelling and inspiring film.
The Unloved tells the story of an 11-year-old girl who is neglected and abused by her foster parents. She experiences isolation, drug and alcohol abuse, and the indifference of those around her. The film explores the heartbreaking realities of her life and the struggles she faces in finding love and acceptance.
A film about the reunion of a family broken by the pain and because of the pain can be reunited. An intense story, told in a soft and sensitive way, showing the search and dedication of a man rediscovering family and the love that unites the brothers, finally forming a real family.