In the year 1492, Christopher Columbus embarks on a perilous journey across the Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies, facing challenges such as court intrigue, a tormented Spanish Inquisition, and treacherous sea storms. Along the way, he encounters native tribes, explores new territories, and experiences the hardships of exploration. This biographical drama captures the spirit of adventure and the historical significance of Columbus' discovery.
A nobleman studying for the priesthood abandons his vocation in 18th Century France when he falls in love with a beautiful, but reluctant, courtesan.
Carlota Joaquina, Princess of Brazil is a satirical comedy film that tells the story of the life of Carlota Joaquina, a princess who faced numerous challenges in her marriage and dealings with the Portuguese court. The movie humorously portrays her interactions with important historical figures and events, such as Napoleon Bonaparte and the colonization of Brazil.
Christopher Columbus (1949) is a biographical film that tells the story of Christopher Columbus and his voyage to the new world in the year 1492. The movie explores Columbus' interactions with Queen Isabella, court intrigue, and his quest for gold. It also depicts the challenges he faces with the Spanish Inquisition and his discovery of the new world.
A Welsh pirate raids up and down the Caribbean, battling the Spanish, the English and other pirates.
This two-hour series covers the evolution of the design and armament of ocean-going warships. From wooden hulls and sails to nuclear powered floating naval bases,
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