Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 is an action-comedy crime movie set in Canada. It follows the story of two police officers, one from Ontario and the other from Quebec, who join forces to take down a car theft ring. As they go undercover and infiltrate the criminal organization, they uncover a larger conspiracy involving mobsters, federal police, and a dangerous car bomber. With explosions, car chases, and hilarious buddy cop banter, this movie is an entertaining thrill ride from start to finish.
Story of a salesman lured into the "hot car" racket.
Never Let Go is a British crime thriller film released in 1960. It tells the story of a man named John Cummings who gets caught up in a car theft ring after his car is stolen. As he tries to track down his stolen vehicle, he discovers a web of organized crime and corruption. With the help of a young boy and a female accomplice, John must navigate through dangerous situations and confront his own fears and limitations.
In Bad Seed, a car mechanic gets involved with a gang's car theft operation, leading to comedy and crime. Set in 1930s Marseille and Paris, the movie follows the mechanic's adventure as he navigates through car chases, hidden doors, and reckless driving.
Gabby Denton, a hard-drinking, down-on-his-luck drifter, seems to get a chance at redemption when his brother-in-law helps get him a job as a mechanic. Not realizing the garage he works for is actually a front for a stolen car ring, Gabby soon finds himself mixed up in both murder and a liaison with the boss's girl.
Lookwell is a failed TV pilot from 1991 starring Adam West as a washed-up actor who believes he can solve real crimes. He takes matters into his own hands and starts investigating cases, often with humorous and disastrous results.
When Hamdy's father is arrested for dealing drugs, Hamdy loses everything including his fiancée Amany who gets engaged to his old classmate Ramzy. Amany pressures Ramzy to accept a bribe from a contractor to hide his construction violations.
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