Death of a Corrupt Man (1977) is a crime drama set in France. The story follows a corrupt businessman who becomes the target of a secret society after accidentally wounding a woman. As the police hunt him down, he must navigate a web of blackmail, betrayal, and deceit to survive. With suspenseful car chases, explosive confrontations, and a gripping manhunt, this film explores the dark underbelly of corruption and the consequences of evil.
The Rothschilds (1940) tells the story of the influential Rothschild banking family and their battle against anti-Semitism and economic recession. Set against the backdrop of Nazi propaganda and the rise of Adolf Hitler, the movie explores the family's determination to protect their wealth, legacy, and Jewish traditions in the face of hate and adversity.
Troma's War is a satirical war movie that follows a group of unlikely heroes as they battle a terrorist group. Filled with blood, gore, and social commentary, this film parodies the genre while delivering a powerful message.
Based on the records of the Nuremberg trial of the chemical giant IG Farben; a story about the collaboration between international corporations and Nazi scientists, whose research contributed to the death of millions. The chemist Dr. Hans Scholz lives through a tortuous political transformation and maturation process. Eventually, he adopts political neutrality and closes his eyes to the fact that the poison being produced in his factory is being used in the extermination camps. Standing before the judges at the Nuremberg trials, he must face the fact that he is implicated in the deaths of millions in the gas chambers of the concentration camps.
An impoverished young man from Sicily travels to Wolfsburg, West Germany to find work. He takes a job in the Volkswagen factory after he travels through Northern Italy by train.
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