Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the only ones who can protect humanity are the Fire Hunters. In the dark woods where the beasts roam is where Touko, a young villager, is rescued from attack by one of these skilled trackers, Koushi. But their meeting was no accident, and a new destiny begins.
The State is a powerful TV show that explores the disturbing and brutal realities of terrorism, focusing on the lives of British Muslims who join ISIS in Syria. It delves into their motivations, recruitment tactics, and the challenges they face as they navigate the horrors of war, religious intolerance, and oppression of women under a brutal regime. The series also sheds light on the difficult choices they make, the disillusionment they face, and the price they pay for their decisions.
In 'Capital,' the story revolves around a powerful investment bank in France and its ruthless pursuit of profit. Through its characters and intricate plot, the movie critiques the capitalist system and examines the consequences of financial greed and international finance. The film explores themes of power, wealth, and the extravagant lifestyles of bankers, highlighting the flaws and corruption within the world of investment banking.
Closeness (2017) is a drama film that revolves around a Chechen couple in Russia. They find themselves caught up in a web of personal and societal issues as they navigate their relationship, loyalty, and identity. The film explores themes of family, culture, and the challenges faced by individuals living in a complex and often harsh environment. It delves into the struggles of the protagonists, their interactions with the Chechen community, and the choices they make that deeply impact their lives.
The Young Karl Marx (2017) follows the life of Karl Marx, a philosopher and journalist, as he navigates poverty, the rise of capitalism, and his quest for a communist society. Alongside his lifelong friend Friedrich Engels, Marx faces police harassment, exile, and financial trouble while developing the theories that would shape the future. This biographical drama explores the personal and political challenges Marx encountered as he fought for the rights of workers and the overthrow of the class society.
Worlds Apart follows three separate narratives about different people living in Athens during the Greek crisis. As their lives intertwine, they face love, loss, and political unrest. The film explores themes of cultural differences, personal turmoil, and the search for connection in a turbulent world.
A documentary that examines the accumulation and distribution of wealth in the 21st century, and explores the economic and social factors that contribute to inequality.
In this animated fairy-tale, a young mermaid named Ariel dreams of becoming human in order to be with a prince she has fallen in love with. She makes a deal with a witch who grants her legs in exchange for her voice. Ariel must then navigate the human world, facing obstacles and challenges, in her quest for love and happiness.
The Lovely Month of May is a documentary essay film that takes an intimate look at the lives of various French-speaking individuals during the month of May in 1963. Through a series of long-takes and nonlinear storytelling, the film delves into the personal journeys and experiences of a young man, a young woman, and a young soldier. It touches on themes of identity, class differences, social criticism, and the impact of politics and literature on French society.
In this enchanting fairy tale, a peasant boy named Ivan embarks on a magical adventure with a hunchedback horse to save the kingdom from trouble. Along the way, he encounters various challenges, including a treacherous prison, a cunning enemy, and a captivating magical girl. With wit and determination, Ivan must overcome these obstacles and fulfill his destiny.
A Night with Sabrina Love is a comedy-drama film that follows the story of a young man named Daniel who wins a contest to spend a night with his favorite TV star, Sabrina Love. The film showcases their journey as they embark on an adventure, exploring themes of love, sexuality, and self-discovery. Set in a rural town, the film also touches upon the contrast between city life and country life. With elements of romance and comedy, A Night with Sabrina Love delivers an entertaining and thought-provoking narrative.
Through the narration of a tenant of a block of flats on 288 Stournara street, we watch the everyday stories of people living in the city, their problems, their comic situations and their love affairs.
A driver of a big manager is hospitalized with his boss's documents and adventures start...
The time when Srimulat's career began to climb so high that it became the first comedy group to appear on Indonesian national television.
In 1980s Norway, a bartender's life takes a dangerous turn when he becomes involved with vampires and the drug trade. He must navigate the criminal underworld while facing his own inner demons.
In a small Greek town, a carpenter finds himself entangled in a drug trafficking conspiracy after being released from prison.
Manousos is the biggest child of a poor and crowded family living in the province. After finishing his term, he decides to work in Athens to help his mother. His friends and acquaintances are detestable, but he will find work as a singer in a nightclub. Soon she knows success and marries Eleni. But her brother wants to spoil their happiness.
A young bumbler from a village in Greece moves to Athens seeking employment. He stumbles through various jobs, including working as a waiter, a photographer, and even a referee for a boxing match. With his clumsiness and ineptitude, he creates chaos wherever he goes.
Two men intend to make a "secret" trip to Paris alone and live it up in order to escape the stranglehold of their wives.