Close Enough is a surreal animated sitcom that follows the lives of a young couple, Josh and Emily, and their daughter Candice. They navigate the challenges of parenthood, marriage, and the ups and downs of adult life, all while living in a world filled with surrealism and strange happenings. With its quirky humor and relatable situations, Close Enough provides a unique and comedic look at the struggles of balancing work, relationships, and raising a child.
Pushing Daisies follows Ned, a pie-maker gifted with the ability to bring dead things back to life with a touch. He's using this power to solve murder mysteries, but there's a catch: if he touches them again, they die permanently. Alongside him are his childhood sweetheart, Chuck, who he's brought back to life and now can't touch, and Emerson, a PI who brings Ned cases to solve.
Swamp Thing is a TV show about a scientist who becomes a monstrous creature after a lab accident. He must use his newfound abilities to protect his loved ones and solve the mysteries of the swamp. The show features elements of horror, fantasy, mystery, and sci-fi.
A young lawyer, Mitch McDeere, joins a prestigious law firm only to discover that it is involved in organized crime. He becomes the target of various threats as he tries to expose the firm's corruption and protect himself and his family.
Extreme Ghostbusters follows a group of diverse teenagers who take on the role of the Ghostbusters after the original team has retired. Together, they use their unique skills and equipment to battle supernatural threats in New York City.
Tribes of Europa is set in a future where Europe has been divided into warring tribes. Amidst the chaos, three siblings find a mysterious cube that holds the key to saving their world. They must navigate through dangerous territories, face brutal enemies, and unravel the secrets of the cube to change the fate of the continent.
Togetherness (2015) follows two couples, Brett and Michelle and Alex and Tina, as they navigate the challenges of midlife crises, sexless marriages, and complicated relationships. They explore themes of friendship, love, and the pursuit of happiness in their lives.
Pretty Smart follows the story of a smart lawyer who finds herself navigating the complexities of friendships and relationships within a diverse group. This sitcom combines humor, romance, and drama as the protagonist tackles both professional and personal challenges.
Dark Skies is a TV show set in the 1960s during the Kennedy era. It follows a young couple who find themselves entangled in a government conspiracy surrounding an impending alien invasion. As they try to save the world, they must navigate through secrets, lies, and sinister forces. The show explores themes of political conspiracy, alien mind control, and the struggle to uncover the truth.
In the town of Port Moore, a young man with psychic abilities is caught in the middle of a battle between the living and the dead. As paranormal phenomenons begin to occur more frequently, the town must come to terms with the supernatural forces that haunt them.
Dud, a pool boy, loses his job and his father, and finds solace in a secret lodge. He becomes entangled in a mystical connection and embarks on a quest for meaning and purpose.
Fantasy Island is a TV show about a group of tourists who visit a mysterious island where they can experience their deepest desires coming true. The island is run by an omnipotent host and his assistant, who use their magic powers to grant the wishes of the visitors. However, each wish has a moral lesson attached to it, and the tourists must learn valuable life lessons along the way.
Crusade is a sci-fi TV show set in the 23rd century, where an alien plague threatens humanity's existence. A female space captain leads a ragtag team on a starship to find a cure and combat the genocidal alien race. The show explores themes of survival, space exploration, and the end of humanity.
Merry Happy Whatever follows the Quinn family as they come together for the holiday season. The show explores the dynamics of a large family, with a focus on the widowed patriarch attempting to maintain order amidst the chaos. The protagonist, a musician and singer, must also navigate his own personal relationships, including a closeted lesbian daughter. The series is set against a festive backdrop, with Christmas decorations and traditions playing a central role. Despite its cancellation after one season, Merry Happy Whatever provides a humorous and relatable look at the ups and downs of a holiday season with a large and diverse family.
Curon is a drama-fantasy TV show set in a small village in Italy. After the disappearance of a woman, her teenage twins return to the town and uncover a dark secret. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter supernatural phenomena and face their worst nightmares.
Brimstone is a TV show that follows Ezekiel Stone, a detective who is sent back from hell to Earth to hunt down escaped souls and send them back to hell. Stone is a cynical and tortured protagonist who must navigate the moral dilemmas of his job while seeking redemption for his own tragic backstory. Along the way, he grapples with demons, devil's servants, and his own inner demons.
Here and Now follows the lives of the Bayer-Boatwright family, a progressive and multi-racial family living in Portland, Oregon. The series explores themes of mental illness, racism, homophobia, and intolerance, as well as the challenges faced by each family member. The show delves into the complexities of contemporary life and the struggles of a diverse family trying to navigate their own personal issues and the larger social issues affecting their lives.
John, a mysterious stranger, arrives in a surfing town and his presence has a profound impact on the lives of the dysfunctional locals. With elements of mystery, supernatural abilities, and religious overtones, John from Cincinnati explores the complex relationships and personal struggles of the residents.
Twelve Forever follows the adventures of Reggie, a twelve-year-old girl who discovers a magical world where she can stay forever. Along with her friends, Todd and Esther, Reggie must navigate through a dream-like universe filled with action, adventure, and comedy.
Roar is set in ancient Ireland and follows a young warrior who leads an uprising against the Roman occupation. Along the way, he discovers a mystical spear with the power of a long-lost ancient hero.