A Goofy Movie follows the story of Max, a teenager who is excited about his last day of school and the upcoming summer vacation. However, his plans are interrupted when his father, Goofy, decides to take him on a cross-country trip. Along the way, they encounter various hilarious mishaps and adventures, including getting their car stuck in water and camping encounters with Bigfoot. The movie explores themes of father-son relationships, first love, and the importance of family.
In the Chicago suburbs, Tia, Miles, and Maizy return home after school. Tensions arise between Buck and his girlfriend, Chanice. Buck agrees to babysit the kids while their parents are away, and despite Tia's initial resistance, the family begins to bond. Buck faces challenges but grows closer to the children. Tia tells Chanice that Buck is cheating on her, causing further complications. Buck gets drunk and plans to go to the race track the next day but realizes he has no one to babysit. He searches for Tia and confronts Bug, the boy she is with. Buck and Tia reconcile, and Buck becomes a valued member of the family.
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