Queen of the Desert is a biographical drama film based on the true story of Gertrude Bell, an Englishwoman who explored and mapped the Arabian Desert in the early 20th century. Frustrated with her privileged life in England, Gertrude embarks on a journey to the Middle East, where she becomes immersed in the culture and politics of the region. She forms deep friendships with Bedouin tribes and becomes involved in political affairs, including negotiations with the Ottoman Empire. Throughout her adventures, Gertrude navigates romantic relationships and grapples with her own identity and purpose in life.
Omar, a gangster on the run, seeks refuge in Algiers to avoid his 20-year prison sentence. He must navigate the streets of Algiers while trying to stay hidden from the French authorities.
Male chauvinist Mike attempts to get an intelligent burgeoning feminist Delilah into his harem. When she resists, Mike then poses as his brother Herbert, but in the process falls in love with Delilah.
Film of local events in Ajmer province including the fair at Pushkar.
Robyn Davidson, famous for her solo expedition across the west Australian deserts by camel in the 1970s, presents this documentary telling the story of Australia's camels and the people who brought them here.
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