Nightlife is a comedy romance movie set in Berlin, Germany. It follows the story of a record company executive who has a chance encounter with a redheaded woman at a nightclub. The two embark on a wild and chaotic night filled with unexpected adventures, including car chases, encounters with a sex doll, and a finger being cut off. Along the way, they navigate the city's vibrant nightlife, encounter eccentric characters, and develop a deeper connection.
The “@midnight” host makes things very funcomfortable for the packed house at The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco as he explores awkward and sometimes super creepy memories from both childhood and today. With “the energy of SpongeBob dipped in cocaine water,” Hardwick delves into dealing with anxieties, finds the humor in joining the “Dead Dad Club,” and shares deeply personal anecdotes that most people would be too embarrassed to say out loud.
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