In a dystopian world, sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister's place in a televised competition called the Hunger Games. Alongside fellow tribute Peeta Mellark, they navigate alliances, battles, and survival in the fight to be the last one standing. As their journey unfolds, political repression, class differences, and a revolution against the all-powerful Capitol come into play.
Beau Travail is a French movie set in the scorching deserts of Djibouti, focusing on a French Foreign Legion sergeant who engages in power play, obsession, and jealousy. The film explores themes of masculinity, discipline, and homoeroticism within the military. It is an adaptation of the novel 'Billy Budd', and showcases the existential loneliness faced by soldiers in a foreign land.
When a small town is visited by a con man posing as an inspector general, chaos ensues as he is mistaken for a high-ranking government official. With the whole town bending over backward to please him, the imposter uses the opportunity to exploit their generosity until his true identity is revealed.
During World War II, soldier Harry Frigg is captured and sent to a German prison camp. He hatches a plan to escape, but his antics and unwillingness to follow orders make him a thorn in the side of his fellow prisoners and his superiors.
This documentary film recounts the events of August 6, 1945, when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, detailing the devastation and the aftermath of the bombing.
In this charming film, wealthy Irish immigrant Anthony J. Drexel Biddle marries Cordelia, a headstrong woman who helps him find the true meaning of family and happiness. Filled with musical numbers, comedy, and romance, 'The Happiest Millionaire' is a delightful celebration of love and eccentricity.
Bosko runs a hot dog stand at an amusement park; but he sneaks away to the racetrack to ride his mechanical horse.
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