Happiness is an animated short film that explores the themes of consumerism, unhappiness, and social satire. Set in a city overrun by traffic and advertisement, the film follows an anthropomorphic rat as he navigates through a maze-like cityscape, symbolizing the rat race of modern society. The story depicts the rat's coping mechanisms, such as drinking alcohol and consuming anti-depressants, as he tries to find happiness in a world dominated by consumerism. With no dialogue, the film relies on visual storytelling and metaphors to convey its message of social commentary and the detrimental effects of the constant pursuit of happiness.
Following one of the few women in Britain to helm an auction house, Irita Marriott. The series follows her as she builds her business in south Derbyshire, helping vendors make money from unwanted items.
What Would Jesus Buy? is a documentary comedy that delves into the commercialization of Christmas and the rise of consumerism. The film follows Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir as they embark on a cross-country journey to save Christmas from the shopocalypse.
Two friends get involved in a scam involving selling of land plots.
Nick Jenkins finds himself back in the single scene as his relationship with his fiancee abruptly fall apart. With his roommate and best friend Jed Rollins, Nick jumps into the dating world. Mona, Jed, and Robin accompany him as they meander throught the quagmire of awkward situations they encounter on their dating escapades.
Film commissioned by the Chicago-based publisher of Negro Digest, Ebony, Tan, and Jet to encourage advertisers to reach out to African American consumers. The Secret of Selling the Negro depicts the lives, activities, and consumer behavior of African American professionals, students, and housewives. A Business Screen reviewer noted that the film focused on the “bright positive” aspects of the “new Negro family.” The sponsor issued a companion booklet offering the “do’s and don’ts of selling to the Negro.”
Lou and Tex think they've made the buy of a lifetime while expanding their carnival business. Unfortunately, they've neglected to read the fine print.
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