Tears Were Falling is a comedy-drama fantasy movie that revolves around the life of a middle-aged man. He is dealing with depression and sadness and contemplates a suicide attempt. The story takes place in an office setting where the man has old friends and colleagues. His anger and frustration towards life are portrayed through various scenes, including a quarrel with an angry man. The movie also explores themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery. The man's journey towards healing and finding happiness is depicted through surreal and whimsical elements, such as a broken mirror leading to a fantasy hotel. Overall, Tears Were Falling is a heartfelt portrayal of the human experience, highlighting the challenges faced by a busy and overwhelmed individual.
Kyohei Nagashima (Masaki Okada) has shut away the world. During his high school days he was the target of bullying and experienced horrifying moments. Now as a young adult Kyohei takes a new job. He works for a company that specializes in cleaning out the homes of recently deceased individuals. With his new job Kyohei meets co-worker Yuki (Nana Eikura). Yuki has also experienced a traumatizing event as a teen and has also shut herself away from the world. These two young people form a bond as they go through the homes of the recently departed people. They gradually open up to each other and in the process to the world. Yet, their fragile psyches may or may not be ready for such changes ...
Part one of two.
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