Kengan Ashura is an anime TV show based on a manga series. The story follows a young fighter named Ohma Tokita, who enters a secret underground tournament called the Kengan matches. He joins the tournament in order to save his father's business, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. Ohma must battle against powerful opponents and use his skills in martial arts to overcome challenges and emerge victorious. Along the way, he uncovers secrets about his past and forms unexpected alliances.
The Big Valley is a TV show set in the Reconstruction era, specifically the 1870s, in California. It revolves around the Barkley family, particularly Victoria Barkley, a strong and independent rancher. She faces various challenges and battles against greedy businessmen, land-grabbers, and dangerous outlaws. With her resourcefulness and determination, Victoria fights for justice and protects her family and their valuable land in the San Joaquin Valley.
F is for Family is a dark comedy TV show that takes place in the 1970s and follows the Murphy family, a dysfunctional suburban family. The show explores various themes such as family dynamics, social issues, and personal struggles. It incorporates humor, satire, and drama to portray the challenges faced by the members of the Murphy family.
An incumbent Representative embroiled in scandal faces a challenge from a newcomer funded by corrupt businessmen. The newcomer's campaign gains traction as he exposes the incumbent's flaws. However, both candidates realize they have been manipulated by the wealthy lobbyists and join forces to expose their corrupt plans.
A mad scientist discovers a secret formula that allows him to transfer souls between bodies. He uses this discovery to perform various experiments, leading to chaos and mayhem. As he continues his unethical experiments, he becomes obsessed with eternal youth and immortality.
Lucas Simons, an 11-year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once again start living life to its fullest.
In 'New Town Killers,' a group of wealthy businessmen play a twisted game of hunting down inner-city youths for sport. When an orphan named Sean becomes their target, he must find a way to outsmart and escape his pursuers. The film explores themes of wealth, exploitation, and the ethical boundaries of humanity.
Since Otar Left is a drama film set in rural Georgia. It tells the story of a family dealing with the loss of Otar, who emigrated to Paris without telling them. The film explores their struggle to cope with the news and the secrets that unravel as they deal with their grief.
Hiroya Matsumoto, hoping to become a great employee as his late father, has just been hired at Raito, a top trading company. Little does he know that he’s been recruited for a very mysterious department within the company: Special Duty Combat Unit: SHINESMAN…which faces a terrible alien menace unbeknownst to Earthlings. Like most corporate employees, Hiroya still has meetings to attend and deadlines to meet, but when the Shinesman rage war against the alien race from Planet Voice, Hiroya and his co-workers don their office-colored combat unit suits: sepia, gray, moss green, and salmon pink.
A spinster dressmaker falls for a ne'er-do-well.
Businessmen competing for international building contracts in this globe-trotting comedy-adventure.
Five executives at a company argue about whether they should buy a computer and what it would do for their company.
Fuiko Hashida (Shinozaki) runs her own nail salon in Tokyo. She is informed of her father's death one day. She has not spoken to her father in eight years and since leaving the hometown and falling out with him. She returns to town for the funeral. She is coincidentally wearing eyeglasses and travels eight years into the past and sees the town as if it were then. She remembers that at that time the town had trouble with a business and businessman dumping trash and destroying nature. She resolves to change the city's future.
Documentary promoting the the use of airplanes among businessmen. Also includes brief segment showing new experimental designs.
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