Duma is the story of an orphaned cheetah named Duma and his friendship with a young boy named Xan. Together, they embark on a journey through the African wilderness, facing challenges and forming a deep bond. Along the way, they encounter various adventures, including a crashed motorcycle, a desert, and a crocodile. Duma also deals with themes of love, loss, and the importance of family relationships.
Lucky Them is a movie about a music journalist named Ellie Klug who is assigned to track down her ex-boyfriend, a famous rock musician who disappeared years ago. With the help of a documentary filmmaker, Ellie embarks on a journey to find her missing ex-boyfriend and discover the truth about their past. Along the way, she encounters various characters and experiences unexpected twists and turns. Will Ellie be able to find closure and move on from her past?
After a plane crash in the Serengeti, a group of teenagers and their dog must rely on their survival skills to navigate the wilderness and find help. They encounter various challenges and dangers, including encounters with wild animals and the harsh African landscape.
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