Tayo the Little Bus is a South Korean computer-generated animated television series created by Educational Broadcasting System, Iconix Entertainment, Seoul and Hot Animation which is owned by HiT Entertainment. The Korean-dubbed series began airing on EBS in 2010 and the English-dubbed series aired on Disney Junior in 2012. The latter is also scheduled to air on Disney Channel and Cartoonito in 2013. The narrator of the UK series is Michael Angelis who also narrates the UK series of Thomas & Friends.
Non Non Biyori follows the daily lives of four girls living in the remote countryside of Japan. Together, they embark on various adventures, encounter comedic mishaps, and build strong friendships.
Forrest Gump, with an IQ of 75, narrates his life story from the 1950s to the '70s. Raised in Alabama, he meets Jenny and they have parallel lives. Forrest excels in running, goes to college, enlists in the army, becomes a war hero, learns ping-pong, reunites with Jenny, starts a shrimping business, becomes a wealthy man, and eventually marries Jenny. They have a son and live a happy life until Jenny's death.
Ruler of Your Own World is an MBC Korean drama series. It was written by In Jung-ok and directed by Park Sung-soo.
When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces.
When two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother, they have adventures with the wondrous forest spirits who live nearby. On a warm, sunny day, 10-year-old Satsuki and 4-year-old Mei Kusakabe drive with their father along a rural road towards their new home. The girls are excited about the move since it will bring them closer to their mother, who is ill in the hospital. Their house is old and falling apart, but the girls find it charming and set out to explore. They stumble upon susuwatari, or soot sprites, in the attic and befriend them. Mei falls into a hole and meets a large creature called Totoro, who becomes her friend. Satsuki and her father find Mei and offer their respects to the spirits for watching over her. The family takes a bike ride into town to visit their mother in the hospital. Mei insists on staying with Satsuki at school, and they return home together in the rain. They encounter Totoro, who they offer an umbrella to. The creature takes them on a magical ride before they return home. The next day, the girls wake up to find a giant tree from the acorns they planted. They have a picnic with Granny, who tells them that fresh vegetables will help their mother. Satsuki receives news that her mother won't be able to come home, causing her distress. Mei decides to visit her mother in the hospital and gets lost. Satsuki seeks Totoro's help to find Mei. With the assistance of Catbus, they locate Mei and bring her back home. The film ends with their mother returning home, and the spirits watching over the children as they play with friends.
A former U.S. Army Military Police officer, Jack Reacher, is called to investigate a case involving a trained military sniper who carried out a mass shooting. As Reacher uncovers evidence that the sniper may have been framed, he faces opposition from powerful forces trying to prevent the truth from being revealed.
When evil aliens disguised as clowns invade a small town, it's up to a group of misfit friends to save the day. These Killer Klowns from Outer Space use bizarre weapons like cotton candy cocoons and balloon animals to capture and kill their victims. As the town becomes overrun with these terrifying creatures, the friends must find a way to stop them before they destroy everything.
In the Dark follows a police officer who becomes blind after a shooting and is determined to solve a murder case, tapping into her own unconventional methods.
Teen Spirit is a drama movie about a teenage girl named Violet who dreams of escaping her small town life through her passion for singing. When an opportunity arises for her to audition for a singing competition, she takes a chance and discovers her talent. With the help of an unlikely mentor, she navigates through the challenges of fame and learns important life lessons along the way.
In 1944, a courageous group of Russian soldiers plan a daring escape from a Nazi concentration camp. With the help of a T-34 tank, they must navigate treacherous obstacles and face the dangers of war to regain their freedom and fight for their country.
Through outrageous, never-before-seen footage, experience the behind-the-scenes of the Jackass crew as they attempt their final wild stunts.
Harold Crick is an IRS auditor whose life is suddenly narrated, leading him to question his existence. As he learns of his impending death, he seeks help from a literary expert to understand the implications. In the process, he forms a romantic relationship and confronts the writer who holds his fate. Ultimately, he embraces the idea of willingly facing his death, leading to a surprising twist in the story.
In the Texas panhandle, wealthy and influential rancher Homer Bannon is a widower who tends to ignore the townspeople, in particular, the farmhand, and housekeeper, Alma. Along with his sons, Hud and Lon, Homer decides to sell the cattle in order to prevent the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. While Hud has a few drinks at the local bar, his younger brother discovers that their father has too much integrity and refuses to go along with the fraudulent cattle-selling scheme.
After losing his job, Larry Crowne enrolls in a community college and forms unexpected friendships while trying to reinvent himself.
In the antebellum South, Alice escapes from a brutal plantation owner and finds herself in 1973. With the help of a political activist, she learns the truth and finds empowerment in the post-Civil Rights Era American South.
When a teenager confesses to murdering her best friend, her parents go to great lengths to cover up the crime, leading to a tangled web of lies and deception. As the lies unravel, they must confront the consequences of their actions.
Enid and Rebecca, best friends who have just graduated from high school, reject mainstream society and plan to move in together. To have fun, they respond to a personal ad and befriend Seymour. As they transition into post-graduation life, Enid becomes alienated and starts to manipulate Seymour's life to resist mainstream culture.
Marty, a 29-year-old shy Italian-American man, lives with his overbearing mother. He contemplates suicide but finds love and happiness when he meets Clara. The story revolves around their blossoming relationship amidst societal pressures and the prejudices they face.