Years ago, a young Christopher Robin met and befriended a group of anthropomorphic creatures in the Hundred Acre Wood. However, after Christopher left for college, the creatures went into starvation and developed a hatred for humanity. Five years later, Christopher and his wife Mary return to the desolate Hundred Acre Wood and are ambushed by Piglet. Pooh and Piglet drag Christopher into the woods, showing him the remains of Eeyore and burning Mary's corpse. Later, a group of university students rent a cabin in the Hundred Acre Wood, where they are hunted down by Pooh and Piglet. Maria and Jessica decide to rescue their friend Alice from the duo, but face intense violence. Christopher appears and crushes Pooh between two vehicles, but Pooh frees himself and kills Maria. A traumatised Christopher flees as Pooh repeatedly stabs Maria's corpse.
Men Behind the Sun is a shocking and disturbing portrayal of the war crimes committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II in Manchuria. The movie follows a group of Chinese prisoners of war who are subjected to horrific experiments and tortures in a secret Japanese laboratory, highlighting the brutality and dehumanization of war.
A bank robber accidentally gets shot and seeks refuge in a trailer home, where he forms an unlikely friendship with the owner. They get involved in a series of mishaps and misadventures, including disposing of a dead body and hiding from the sheriff.
In 'The Other Lamb,' a young girl named Selah is born into an all-female cult led by their charismatic leader, Shepherd. As Selah starts to question the teachings and her own place within the cult, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion. The dark secrets of the cult begin to unravel, leading to shocking revelations and a dangerous escape.
When a young archaeologist discovers an ancient relic, she becomes possessed by an ancient queen who seeks to be resurrected. As she starts to murder those around her, her father tries to stop the rampage and uncover the secrets of the tomb.
In a near-future California, a small-town family must confront the harsh realities of nuclear war and navigate the challenges of survival and emotional breakdowns. As they face the loss of loved ones and the struggles of rationing and isolation, they must find the strength to persevere.
Lancelot of the Lake is a dark and tragic movie that explores themes of betrayal, cynicism, and despair in the medieval world of King Arthur. Lancelot, a knight of the Round Table, is torn between his love for Guinevere and his loyalty to Arthur. As the story unfolds, it delves into the depths of human nature, exposing the darkness and corruption that lies within. With stunning visuals and a powerful narrative, Lancelot of the Lake is a must-watch for fans of Arthurian legends.
When the green box is being delivered, organic farmer Helena (Julia Koschitz) stumbles over the dashing David (Vladimir Burlakov), a law student and starts an affair with him. In fourteen years of marriage, Helena and Thomas (Marcus Mittermeier) have transformed the infatuation of the first years into a dependable, constant affection. But her husband feels that she is keeping something from him. He spies on her, challenges David, and kills him.Later there is silence between the spouses. Then the detective is at the door because the review of David's cell phone connections leads to Helena. And then she discovers what Thomas has done. Only now there is a debate. They want to save the marriage and cover up the murder.
A woman learns her estranged father has passed away. She returns with her boyfriend to her childhood home of Belize, where she is reunited with her brother, and must face her past while fighting for intimacy in the present.
A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.
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