Return to the Blue Lagoon follows the story of two teenagers who find themselves stranded on a remote Pacific island. As they struggle to survive, they also navigate the challenges of puberty and their budding romantic feelings for each other. The movie explores themes of sexual awakening, young love, and coming-of-age in a tropical paradise.
Gardener Napoleone takes a job in a southern-Italian villa and quickly finds himself embroiled in a menage-a-trois with Paola and her mother, which soon leads to sex, death and mayhem.
After a shipwreck, two children find themselves stranded on a deserted island. They form a close bond as they learn to survive in the harsh environment, facing challenges such as building shelter, finding food, and discovering their own identities. As they grow older, their relationship also deepens, leading to a tension filled with desires and conflicts.
At his court-martial, an American Army officer renounces his country. For his punishment he is ordered to spend the rest of his life on a ship that sails all over the world, but he will never be allowed to set foot on his country's soil, nor come within sight of it, nor be allowed to know anything about the country.
In 'The Man Beneath,' a man gets involved in a conspiracy with a secret organization. The plot involves a fake murder and an interracial relationship. The story is set in Scotland and also touches upon themes of honor, bribery, and forbidden love. Based on a partially-lost film and a novel.
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