ThunderCats (1985) takes place in the distant future on the planet of Thundera, which is facing destruction. The group of cat-like aliens known as the ThunderCats leave their dying planet and travel to a new world called Third Earth. There, they encounter various challenges and battle against the evil mutants led by Mumm-Ra in order to save their new home.
In The Mummy's Hand, a group of archaeologists discover the remains of an ancient priestess who was buried with a curse. As they try to uncover the secrets of the tomb, they find themselves facing the wrath of the mummy and its supernatural powers. They must find a way to stop the mummy before it unleashes chaos upon the world.
Abbott and Costello accidentally resurrect the mummy of Imhotep who seeks a medallion to become immortal. Chaos ensues as they try to evade the police and the mummy's curse.
A theatrical agent travels to Egypt where he becomes infatuated with an exotic dancer. He rescues her from an abusive man and they fall in love, but their relationship becomes complicated when he discovers that she is a priestess of an ancient Egyptian deity. The agent's obsession with the dancer leads to a love triangle and ultimately tragic consequences.
The Scythians, skilled horsemen and nomadic conquerors, built a feared empire in the vast Eurasian steppe between the 9th and 3rd centuries B.C. All that remains are their graves: the Kourganes. In April 1999, a 2400 year-old Scythian tomb was discovered in Kazakhstan. It contained, among other treasures, twelve horses completely harnessed in gold, suggesting high social status.
Greedy oil speculators, led by Morgan, are trying to force Tiger Woman and her band of warriors from their jungle home. Allen Saunders of Inter-Ocean Oil wants to develop the oil, too, but fights with Tiger Woman to stop the bad guys.
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