Moonwalker follows the story of a black male protagonist who becomes a super villain, only to be stopped by a superhero. The movie features Michael Jackson, who portrays various characters including a parody of himself. It includes dancing, live performances, and a mix of live-action and animation. The plot includes elements such as drug crimes, gangsters, kidnapping, and an intergenerational friendship. Moonwalker is a retrospective of Michael Jackson's career and showcases his talent as an entertainer, with a focus on his music and dance performances.
Noel Next Door follows a single mom, Noelle, who gets into a war of words with her grumpy neighbor, Mr. Geer, over his dislike of Christmas. As they continue to clash, Noelle discovers that Mr. Geer is actually Jeremy, a divorced ex-orchestra conductor. Despite their initial animosity, Noelle and Jeremy develop a connection and must navigate their complicated pasts to find love during the holiday season.
A young waitress becomes an aspiring actress and eventually achieves stardom in Hollywood. However, she finds herself caught in a downward spiral of alcohol abuse and personal struggles as she navigates the glamorous but toxic world of showbiz. The film explores the price one has to pay for following their dreams in Hollywood.
A pet rabbit (Bini) is left home alone and defends the house against thieves with various traps. A bunny rabbit parody of Home Alone.
A married couple's final day, before each commits suicide. The man no longer wishes to live a life in which his artistic talents continue to go unrecognized and unappreciated...The woman has no desire to live without him, and her depression drives her to both insanity and self- destruction.
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