In Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure (1988), Goku and his friends participate in a martial arts tournament, encounter assassins sent by an ancient emperor, and try to resurrect a wish-granting dragon. They face challenges in an Indian tower and confront an old man with incredible powers. Based on the popular Dragon Ball manga and anime series, this movie showcases intense battles, violence, and mature animation.
As an evil Namekian tyrant attempts to use the Dragon Balls to restore his youth and conquer Earth, Goku and his friends must battle against Lord Slug and his powerful henchmen to save the planet.
Dr. Kochin and his team create a brain known as The World's Strongest. They plan to use it to fulfill their desires, but Goku and his friends intervene to save the world.
Goku and his friends must rescue Gohan from the clutches of an evil villain who desires immortality.
In Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies, a young martial artist named Goku embarks on a journey to retrieve the stolen Dragon Balls from a bandit named Lucifer. Along the way, he meets a young girl named Bulma who is also searching for the Dragon Balls. Together, they face off against various villains and encounter magical creatures in order to save the world.
In this movie, Goku and his friends must rescue Princess Mirema from Lucifer, a vampire who wants to use her blood to resurrect his master. They embark on a dangerous journey filled with fights, training, and the power of friendship.
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