Better Days is a gripping drama that explores the complex themes of friendship and bullying. The story follows Chen Nian, a high school student who becomes the target of relentless bullying. In her darkest moments, she forms an unexpected bond with a mysterious young man named Xiao Bei. Together, they navigate the challenges of adolescence and strive to overcome the cruelty that surrounds them. With a poignant storyline and compelling performances, Better Days is a must-watch for those seeking a powerful portrayal of the human spirit.
Mandy is a new mom in town and at first, she is welcomed into the circle of elite moms, but when her daughter outperforms power mom Olivia's daughter, she finds herself ostracized.
Our Times is a heartwarming film about a high school girl who finds herself transported back in time to her high school years in the 1990s. Faced with the challenges of first love, friendship, and growing up, she learns valuable lessons about life and discovers the true meaning of love.
Qi Ming is a handsome boy and he is also a top student at school, but Yi Yao is a so-called bitch on everyone’s lips. Qi and Yi grew up together and they have been maintaining a good relationship. However, everything is interrupted and changed by Tang Xiaomi. Rumors have become a sharp weapon to destroy people. Yi Yao's life falls into darkness, and she suffers all kinds of cruel bullying at school.
When a wealthy, lonely university music student is beaten and has his apartment trashed by a fellow dorm resident-bully and his gang, he goes mad, lures the bully into his room on pretense of forgiveness, slips him a paralyzing agent in a drink, throws him in a trunk and locks him in, and taunts the bully with the promise that he will be buried alive in the trunk. Only, once he gets his trunk and his prey to his country estate, the vengeful victim finds things keep going wrong...
A haiku club comprised of five unlikely students aim to win the national high school haiku tournament.
In a world of muffled sounds, a young student with a passion for photography, deprived by a physical impairment, must try to overcome the barriers of struggles that are obstructing him from pursuing a change.
In the small town of Green Meadow, a group of misfits bands together to stop an evil bully who is terrorizing their community. With their unique talents and abilities, they must overcome their differences and learn to work as a team in order to save the day.
Chicken Boy is a dark coming-of-age story in which a lonely boy recognizes parallels between the bullying he endures at school and the neglect he experiences at home.
Regis Sauder returns to his childhood pavilion at Forbach. Thirty years ago, he fled this city to build against violence and in the shame of his environment. Between demons of extremism and social determinism, how do those who have remained? Together, they weave individual and collective memories to question the future at a time when fear seems stronger than ever.
We all share the same kind of brain yet everybody has a different view of the world around us. As a very intriguing example, Carlotta vividly explains how a world without faces does look like. She suffers from the miswiring of a tiny brain region that makes it impossible for her to see and remember faces as a complete construct, called prosopagnosia or face blindness.
Diego, a young student, lives in the clutches of classmates who harass him daily because of his physical appearance and sexual orientation. Finally he must make a decision that will change his life forever.
It's Just A Gun is a coming-of-age drama set in South Central Los Angeles. The story revolves around a teenager who becomes the victim of gun violence and explores the impact it has on his life. The film delves into themes of gun culture, police brutality, and the struggles faced by youth in inner-city communities.
A boy is being bullied at a Boarding School. Things get out of hand and he will need his revenge.
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