Sudden Fury is a gripping movie that follows the story of a young boy who witnesses a double homicide. As he grapples with the trauma, he finds himself caught in a web of lies, deceit, and danger. With the help of a psychiatrist, he must confront his fears and uncover the truth behind the murders.
Sleeping Giant follows the story of a teenage boy named Adam who spends his summer in a small town, getting into various adventures and facing the challenges of growing up. Throughout the summer, Adam experiences friendship, love, and the complexities of teenage sexuality, all while navigating the ups and downs of adolescence. As he explores the world around him, Adam learns valuable life lessons and discovers the true meaning of self-discovery and personal growth.
When her bionic boyfriend Ethan proposes, Jackie finally feels like she has found her happily ever after— until a chance encounter with another human shows her how messy love can really be.
Who is to blame? Is it the wife who feels that the love she is receiving from her husband is not enough, the husband who is trying to give his best for her, or the lover who treats her very special. This is a true to life story of Elsa Castillo, Fred Castillo and Ted Boorman. A love triangle between husband, wife and accused lover and boss.
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