Kon-Tiki is a thrilling movie that tells the incredible story of Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his audacious expedition across the Pacific Ocean in 1947. Determined to prove his theory that ancient South Americans could have populated Polynesia, Heyerdahl sets out on a perilous journey aboard a wooden raft named Kon-Tiki. As the crew face numerous challenges including shark attacks, storms, and a damaged radio, they must rely on their courage, navigation skills, and trust in each other to survive. This epic adventure tests the limits of human endurance and showcases the indomitable spirit of exploration.
In this animated dark comedy, a poor family, an anxious developer, and a fed-up landlady find themselves connected to a mysterious house across different eras.
Zak, a 22-year-old man with Down Syndrome, escapes from a care home to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Along the way, he befriends Tyler, a man on the run, and together they travel to the Saltwater Redneck's wrestling school in North Carolina. Zak's caretaker Eleanor joins them on their journey to bring Zak back safely. As they travel, Tyler becomes Zak's coach and teaches him life skills. They face challenges and ultimately Zak achieves his dream and they continue on to a new life in Florida.
During World War II, a group of American soldiers find themselves stranded on a Pacific island. As they struggle to survive and maintain their sanity, they face various challenges such as enemy soldiers, shark attacks, and diseases like malaria. With limited resources and constant danger, the soldiers must rely on their training and ingenuity to stay alive.
The story of the Prophet Noah. Violence and corruption fill the earth. To punish this wickedness, God vows to send a cleansing flood. Only one man - Noah - and his family will be spared because they alone honor God's law. God commands him to build an ark and fill it with two of every animal. Once building is under way, Noah and his sons face scorn and sabotage from their sinful neighbors - but they persevere. Noah's faith is vindicated when the heavens erupt with a rainy torrent for 40 days. But God's test of Noah's courage and commitment is just beginning.
Popeye's 99-year-old father won't admit he's too old to help Popeye build a ship. Popeye tells him to build one side while he builds the other; Pappy's side is a mess. He falls asleep helping hoist the mast. While Pappy sleeps, Popeye rebuilds his side and finishes the above-decks, with a little help from spinach, of course.
Alfalfa and the gang build their own "speedboat" powered by ducks, and challenge Waldo to a race for the hand of Darla.
Japanese drama set in a southern Kyushu island where dance-troupe leader Shinji (Shinji Arano) stays on as his touring troupe departs. After Shinji moves in with an old man (Nobuyoshi Tanigawa) cared for by his granddaughter (Reiko Matsuo), he becomes an apprentice to the old man's construction of a wooden boat
On a frozen and forbidding shoreline of northern Sakhalin Island, to the north of Japan, live the Nyvkh people, whose austere, heroic struggle for survival depends solely on their ability to hunt the seal and to fish. This blunt glimpse into their quarters, animistic rituals, and daily (and nightly) lives has all the appearance of a well-shot documentary but is in fact a scripted film with convincing special effects, based on a novella of the same title by the gifted and controversial Soviet Kirghiz writer, Chingiz Aitmatov. "Dog running at the edge of the sea" is what the Nyvkhs call the forbidding place they have domesticated as their home, husbanding and speaking of it by means of myths and "poetry of the concrete" with which they commemorate their savage lives.
The Bridge is a coming-of-age drama set during World War II, following a group of teenagers in a small village as they navigate the challenges and realities of war. It explores themes of friendship, love, and the loss of innocence in a time of conflict.
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