Ao, the last Neanderthal, embarks on a journey of survival and self-discovery in a world on the brink of extinction. Separated from his brother and faced with the loss of his family, Ao must navigate dangerous encounters with predators, endure the harsh elements, and overcome the challenges of being the last of his kind.
Buffalo Bill is faced with racial prejudice and false accusation as he tries to navigate the challenges of the Old West. Determined to clear his name, he embarks on a journey of revenge and redemption.
Condemor, a man with many vices, finds himself caught in a hilarious adventure in the wild west. Unlucky and prone to trouble, Condemor gets involved with crossdressing, shootouts, and a treasure map, all while trying to survive the desert and escape a cannibal tribe.
A buffalo hunter tries to stop a thief and his minions from stealing hides.
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