Kopps is a comedy film that follows the misadventures of a small-town police force. The police officers find themselves dealing with budget cuts and a staged crime wave, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and slapstick comedy. As they try to maintain law and order, the officers face various challenges, including a hostage situation, a blind date gone wrong, and a government official with OCD. With their friendship and determination, the officers navigate through the chaos and bring justice to their town.
A high school music teacher named Eve returns to her small hometown for Christmas. While organizing a Christmas concert to raise funds for the school, she meets a charming songwriter and is inspired to write her own music. As she navigates budget cuts and a temporary job offer, Eve finds love and discovers the true spirit of Christmas in her music.
At a Santa-themed holiday event, three teachers who have lost their mojo find love and strengthen their friendship while stepping out of their comfort zones.
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