Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to time travel. He uses this power to go back in time and prevent the death of his girlfriend and save his friends from a heinous gang known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. Through his journey, Takemichi learns about loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of his actions.
Orange is a movie about a high school girl named Naho who receives letters from her future self. The letters warn her about the regrets she will have in the future and give her advice on how to change things. Naho must navigate through friendship, love, and loss as she tries to make different choices and alter the future.
The time spent between professional Shogi player Kiriyama and his three stories helps to heal his wounds. As he prepares to secure another win in an upcoming tournament, the father who left the three sisters appears and disturbs the peace.
High school boy and girl are dating. Given her looks, thin body and hair she is popular at school. There is a cheerleader who used to be the most popular girl and is not happy to be runner-up. She wants her popularity back. She tries to trick the other girl. The president of the students' union join the fight.
Kaori is a single mother and she raises her high-school age daughter Futaba. Her daughter is in a rebellious phase and ignores her mother. Kaori decides to take measures to communicate with her daughter and also get some revenge. Kaori creates messages in her daughter's bento meals.
Kenji is the youngest member of a team in charge of building a large shopping center. But, to create the new complex, an old dance floor must be destroyed, and every effort to tear down the building is boycotted by a mysterious power. In fact, there is a rumor that the place is cursed, and the construction team thought about hiring exorcists, but none of them seems to find the solution.
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