Yosuga no Sora follows the story of Haruka and Sora Kasugano, twin siblings who move to the countryside after the death of their parents. They encounter various high school classmates and develop romantic relationships, including a complex and forbidden love between the brother and sister. The show explores themes of adolescence, coming-of-age, and tragedy.
The eldest daughter of a rural family Mon returns home from Tokyo pregnant after an affair with a college student Kobata, which causes a scandal that will threaten the marriage prospects of the younger sister San, in her cash-strapped family. The ill-tempered eldest brother Inokichi decides to take on the role of disciplinarian, with harrowing results.
"The series of episodes, or "chapters, is meant to portray dramatized biographical vignettes of my friends whose experiences and recollections reflect the archetypal character of my movies, the "lost girl," Angela Aberdeen." - Lucifer Valentine
The romanticized gallant adventures of Pauline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister. First "engaged" to the Conventionnel Fréron, then separated from him by her brother for political reasons, Pauline joined Napoleon in the Italian army, where she fell in love with the comté de Canouville. But the First Consul married her to his friend, General Leclerc, whom she followed on the expedition to Saint-Domingue. Unconcerned about fidelity, she began to love her husband just as he was about to die of yellow fever. Back in France, she was soon consoled by other gallants. Napoleon, now emperor, hastened to marry her off to Prince Borghese, but he was unable to make her love him. She soon returned to Paris to lead the life of a gallant woman, incognito, and again met Canouville, whom the emperor tried in vain to separate from her. But soon the Russian campaign begins, and her lover is killed. All that remains for Pauline, this time disconsolate, is to reconcile with her brother on the road to exile.
Bose is a very patriotic man who fights for the rights of the local market workers against Aatma, the nearby underworld don. Bose joins politics to clean the bad elements of society. However, when his sister dies because of an evil underworld gangster, Aatma, he seeks revenge on him.
A large farm in Vendée. The father is dying and the three brothers and sister swear not to marry not to break up the field. Months pass. Francis, the eldest, took things in hand. For him, the promise to their father is sacred. So he does everything for his brothers and his sister Amanda are not tempted. However, the latter lets himself courted by a young man from the neighboring village ...
A quiet valley in the East of France. Naked bodies. A house near the canal. A brother and a sister. Skiving school. Frustration. Bad boys. The accident. Affliction. Blood relations.
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