mid90s is a coming-of-age drama comedy film that takes place in 1990s California. It explores the life of a young boy who finds solace and belonging within a skateboarding community. Through skateboarding, he navigates the challenges of adolescence, friendship, and family dynamics.
Ram and Balram are two brothers who, despite their differences, are forced to unite and take on a powerful enemy. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges that test their bond and determination. Will they triumph over evil and restore justice?
Ghulam is a movie about a gangster named Siddharth who, after witnessing the suffering of a mute boy, starts questioning his criminal life. He decides to turn his life around and becomes a witness in a court case against a powerful criminal. Along the way, he faces betrayal, guilt, and violence, but ultimately finds redemption.
In 'Spectre', a man discovers a dead body and is haunted by a seductive succubus. He must investigate the paranormal phenomena and find a rational explanation for the seemingly supernatural events.
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