In Awake (2021), a mysterious event wipes out all electronics and plunges humanity into a sleepless state. A former drug addict and her young daughter may hold the key to finding a solution and preventing an apocalyptic end. As chaos ensues, they encounter a conspiracy theorist, a drug dealer, and a desperate race against time to survive.
A woman falls in love with an army veteran and they start a life together. However, tragedy strikes when the veteran is killed in action, leaving behind a journal for their son. Through the journal, the woman learns about the man she loves and finds solace in the memories they shared.
In a fictional town in rural America, the peaceful farming community is terrorized by a cult of children who believe that they must sacrifice adults to a supernatural being inhabiting the cornfields. A brother and sister find themselves caught in the middle of the chaos as they struggle to survive and uncover the truth behind the cult's dark rituals.
A young heiress defies societal norms and embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as she navigates love, marriage, and the complexities of her own desires.
Wanting to start a new life, 40-year-old Heli has found an institution in which she can put her younger, mentally disabled sister. Her three egocentric brothers have agreed to the plan and come to share their sister's final weekend at the house where they all grew up on the outskirts of Berlin. They find that the "baby of the litter" has turned into an unpredictable "monster". The fallout brings them closer together than they'd expected.
An ailing former scuba diver, who faces extremely tough times, begins experiencing otherworldly incidents.
The teacher Antek Liebmann moves to the French countryside to leave his former life in Germany behind. He soon gets a job and finds himself in a new relationship...
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