Pasadena is a gripping TV show that revolves around the dark secrets and murder mystery in the glamorous city of Pasadena, California. The story follows a group of individuals who become entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal as they navigate through the complex world of crime, drama, and romance. This addictive drama uncovers the hidden truths behind the facade of wealth and showcases the power struggles, scandals, and unexpected twists that unfold in the lives of its characters.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate a case involving hidden treasure, a spooky mansion, and a series of murders.
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) is a crime film-noir that follows an anti-hero who seeks revenge after being wronged. He gets involved in a love triangle, which leads him down a path of murder, jealousy, and deception. The film explores themes of corruption, prison escape, and the consequences of one's actions.
Red Light is a 1949 film-noir that tells the story of a revenge-seeking army chaplain who investigates the murder of his brother and uncovers a web of corruption and cover-ups involving a trucking company, a hotel room, and a high-voltage embezzlement scheme.
TNT Jackson is a gripping action thriller that follows the story of a woman seeking revenge against drug smugglers. Armed with her martial arts skills, she becomes a one-woman army, taking on the criminals in a deadly fight. With intense fight scenes and thrilling sequences, this blaxploitation film will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Stop Susan Williams is an American horror television series that premiered on February 27, 1979 on NBC as part of the series Cliffhangers.
A bunch of bootleggers run booze in the South.
A young man searches for his brother's killer with the help of a gunfighter, a native woman and a traveling medicine man.
A crime reporter investigating a murder discovers the case hinges on a mysterious woman he had photographed earlier.
A group of gypsies vow vengeance on a runaway who murdered one of their own. Lust and intrigue run throughout the story about the mysterious and wild life of the wandering gypsies.
Set in the year 2021, No Dogs follows the lives of a group of people struggling to survive amidst the chaos of war. The movie portrays their courageous journey and the sacrifices they make for love, freedom, and justice.
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