In the beautiful yet isolated landscapes of Iceland, a couple living on a sheep farm finds themselves facing the grief of their child's death and the challenges of their strained relationship. Their lives take a dark twist when a mysterious lamb is born, leading to a series of unsettling events that involve body horror, psychological suspense, and supernatural elements. As the couple navigates through their own mental turmoil, they must confront the horrifying transformation happening around them.
A wife gets a call from a man claiming to be from her husband's company. He tells her that he will come to pick her up on his behalf. But when he takes her to the hotel he locks her in a room and rapes her. The kidnapper then calls her husband but he doesn’t want a ransom. For reasons not yet known all he wants to do is to sexually humiliate her and to make sure the husband knows it.
A widow named Nawal is faced with the sudden death of her husband. In Jordan, the inheritance laws favor males, and Nawal's husband's family is entitled to most of her belongings, including her home, because she doesn't have a son. Determined to protect her daughter and the home she worked hard for, Nawal decides to pretend to be pregnant with a son.
In The Easiest Way, a deliveryman becomes involved in a complex web of relationships, love, and deceit during the Great Depression. The film explores themes of romance, tragedy, and the struggles of everyday life.
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