Sitcom is a dark comedy movie that delves into the twisted and dysfunctional lives of a French family. The story follows their unconventional and bizarre behavior, which includes themes of incest, sadomasochism, hallucinations, and more. The film takes a surrealistic approach to depict the family's dark secrets and explores the impact of their actions on each other's lives.
A violent man in the highlands of the Greek province traffics emigrants and young hookers from the Balkan countries. The man doesn't dare to prostitute his teenage daughter, Fanny. Fanny, addicted to drugs now and mentally quite invalid, does not resist to the violence of her father and works for him as a prostitute.
Reeta is on holiday with her baby brother and parents. When her parents fail to return to their isolated island house after going shopping, Reeta and her brother are marooned.
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