Mrs Brown is a biographical drama set in 19th-century England, telling the story of the close companionship between Queen Victoria and her servant, John Brown. Following the death of her husband, Queen Victoria forms a deep bond with John Brown, which leads to scandal and rumors within the British royal family. The movie explores the political and personal challenges they face as they navigate their relationship in a society bound by strict protocol and expectations.
When a talent manager's job is on the line, he must rescue a famous singer from a dangerous situation, while navigating a complex romantic triangle and dealing with the pressures of the media.
A young bareback rider in a circus is in love with a trapeze artist, but he has two problems: he drinks too much and he's fallen under the spell of a "vamp" who's nothing but trouble for him.
A spy steals a secret military device, then hijacks an airliner to get away. The airliner crashes in the wilderness & the survivors are threatened by a raging forest fire.
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