Body Bags is an anthology film consisting of three horror stories centered around a morgue. The film follows different characters who come into contact with the morgue and experience horrifying events. From a gas station attendant who encounters a serial murderer to a man losing his eye and receiving a transplant, Body Bags delivers chilling stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
After a car accident, a young girl is possessed by a ghost and uses her newfound supernatural powers to terrorize her family.
Bullies is a 1986 movie about a small-town teenager who is relentlessly bullied by a group of sadistic individuals. After enduring torture and humiliation, he decides to seek revenge on his tormentors. With the help of a mechanic and a mentor, he sets out on a path of vigilante justice, confronting his bullies one by one. As the tension rises, the line between right and wrong becomes blurred, leading to a climactic showdown that will determine the fate of everyone involved.
A young boy must confront his fears when he encounters a terrifying creature in his own home.
A film about an unhappy man who catches his wife with a lover. He leaves to buy a gun, while plotting to kill the wife and the lover. Based on a short story by Anton Chekhov.
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