In the year 2049, a global catastrophe has devastated Earth. Augustine, an aging scientist in the Arctic, races to make contact with a spacecraft returning from a mission to Jupiter. With the help of a young girl, he embarks on a perilous journey across the Arctic to reach a remote observatory. Along the way, they encounter deadly snowstorms, blood transfusions, and the challenges of surviving in a world on the brink of collapse.
Breakthrough is based on the incredible true story of a teenage boy who falls through thin ice and enters a coma. With his mother's unwavering faith and the support of the community, he defies all odds and makes a miraculous recovery.
When a group of tourists arrives at Castle Dracula, they become trapped and fall victim to the resurrected Dracula and his vampire minions. The survivors must find a way to escape and stop Dracula's reign of terror before it's too late.
A hypnotist becomes involved in a murder investigation when a young boy who witnessed a crime is kidnapped. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of deceit and discovers that there may be more than one killer involved. With suspense and mystery at every turn, the hypnotist must use his skills to find the truth and save the boy before it's too late.
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