Benidorm is a hilarious comedy TV show that follows the lives and adventures of the staff and guests at a popular resort in Benidorm, Spain. With an ensemble cast and plenty of comedic moments, the show explores various comedic situations and relationships in a holiday setting.
When a mysterious stranger appears in a small town, he begins to uncover the dark secrets of the residents, leading to a series of shocking events. The lives of a suburban family are turned upside down as they struggle to hide their secrets and protect their loved ones.
The Dumping Ground is a Drama/Family TV show that takes place in a foster care home in the United Kingdom. It follows the lives of a group of children and their experiences with social services.
An emotionally troubled teacher's life begins to fall apart as she faces accusations of sleeping with a student.
Here We Go is a TV show that humorously and emotionally explores the lives of a tight-knit group of friends as they navigate through various ups and downs. With a perfect blend of comedy and drama, the show delves into the complexities of relationships, career struggles, and personal growth.
Brace yourselves - the new kids are here. Five talented black scholarship students, and an elite private school with a reputation problem. One of them will have to change...
Don't Forget the Driver is a dark comedy TV mini-series that follows the life of Peter Green, a bus driver in a coastal town. Peter's mundane life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a stowaway on his bus, leading him on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected encounters. This gripping series delves into themes of loneliness, connection, and the search for meaning in life.
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