Brideshead Revisited is a captivating drama set in England during the interwar period. It follows the lives of an upper-class family and explores themes of love, friendship, religion, and the complexities of social class. The story is told through the eyes of Charles Ryder, a middle-class student at Oxford University, who becomes infatuated with the aristocratic Flyte family and their country estate, Brideshead. As Charles navigates the dynamics of the family and their relationships, he becomes entangled in their secrets and struggles, including issues of homosexuality, alcoholism, and the clash between religious beliefs and personal desires.
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon is a biographical drama about the life of British painter Francis Bacon. The film explores Bacon's self-destructiveness, his turbulent relationship with his lover George Dyer, and his artistic creation. Set in the 1960s, the movie delves into Bacon's amoral and chaotic world.
Rebellious, provocative and unapologetic. The Young British Artists crashed the 90s art scene, making Tracey Emin, Damien Hirst and others household names. This is their story.
Filmed at the time Hockney was painting Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy, Portrait of David Hockney is made up of a limited number of shots, observing the periphery details of his flat and studio. Each view is held so as to focus on its particular qualities and composition and, with the accompanying soundtrack of off-screen phone calls, conversations and musings, builds up a picture of Hockney’s daily life.
Richard Rhys, a painter in Victorian London, is the prime suspect in the Jack the Ripper murders. In a chance encounter he meets a wealthy reformer and socialite, Victoria Thornton, married to the richest man in England. Their passionate love affair results in a pregnancy and possible scandal and ruin. It is a story of redemption and true love.
He is a major figure in the pop art movement; one of the most popular and influential artists of his generation. The motifs and colors of his canvasses have been widely reproduced, and are now part of the 20th century art pantheon, changing the way we view the world. Hockney is typically seen as an artist who loves life, a good time, glamour and sex. The highly personal and emotional side of his work is often overlooked, much like the intensity and individuality he has shown in each of his successive periods and styles. Through images, anecdotes, and detailed pictorial analysis, this documentary highlights how the renowned painter defies classification and remains mysterious in many ways: an intense, profound, and infinitely passionate artist.
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