Cambridge Spies is a TV show based on the true story of four young men - Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Kim Philby, and Donald Maclean - who were recruited as spies by the British Secret Service during World War II. The show explores their double lives, their betrayal of their country, and the personal and political consequences they faced.
In this romantic comedy-drama, the lives of various characters intertwine as they encounter love, betrayal, and adventure, all connected by their experiences with a Yellow Rolls-Royce. Set in the 1940s, the film follows a group of people, including a British Foreign Office official, a gangster, a resistance fighter, and a socialite, as they navigate their relationships and face the challenges of war and infidelity.
In the prelude to World War II, a young woman uncovers a family secret that puts her in grave danger.
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