Divorcing Jack is a dark comedy that follows a journalist named Dan Starkey, who becomes entangled in a web of political corruption and marital problems. Amongst the chaos, Dan discovers a dead woman and finds himself caught up in a murder investigation. With the Irish Republican Army, infidelity, and a disguised politician in the mix, Dan must navigate through the tension and danger surrounding him to uncover the truth.
After some investigation, Robert Benchley finds his nerves are in a bad state. He has the jitters so bad he can't hold his cup still enough to drink his coffee, and he thinks the arrival of some plumbers is just a giant conspiracy to keep him unnerved.
Dimwit, the dopey dog, is a harried office worker and chain-smoking, gulping coffee and bottles of aspirin tablets does nothing to settle his jangling nerves. His doctor advises him to take up a relaxing , mild hobby. Dimwit tries woodworking, landscape painting and photography but all result in disasters that unnerve him even more. He shoots the doctor and finally finds a life that relaxes him...busting rocks in the fresh air of the prison yard.
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