Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love is a passionate tale that explores the intricacies of love, desire, and self-discovery in 16th-century India. The story revolves around two childhood friends, Maya and Tara, who are trained in the art of lovemaking and the Kama Sutra. As they grow up, their paths diverge, leading them to navigate through secrets, betrayal, and forbidden passions. The film beautifully captures the rich cultural heritage of India and portrays the complexities of human relationships.
In April 1985, two expatriate students Kenneth McBride, age 17, and 18 year-old Nicola Myers were beaten, raped, and murdered by a teenage gang. Based on the true story of Hong Kong's Braemar Hill murders.
In Pale Blood, a vampire pretending to be a vampire sets out to track down a serial killer. As the vampire lurks in a dance club, he uses his psychic vision to identify potential victims. Meanwhile, a paranormal investigator and a video artist join forces to uncover the truth behind the murders. The vampire's hunt leads him to a psychiatric hospital where he encounters a killer with the ability to turn invisible. In a role reversal, the vampire becomes the hunted, strapped to a table and subjected to terrifying experiments. With time running out, the vampire must find a way to escape and stop the killer before he strikes again.
In Seven Women for Satan, a group of young women find themselves trapped in a chateau where they become the playthings of a sadistic count. As they are subjected to various tortures and sexual experiments, they must find a way to escape before they become the count's next victims. With themes of murder, exploitation, torture, and nudity, this film is a shocking and gruesome exploration of human depravity.
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