Silent Wedding is a comedy-drama film set in a rural village in Romania during the Soviet era. The story revolves around a wedding ceremony that goes awry when a television crew arrives to document the event. The film explores themes of love, death, and the influence of communist propaganda. Based on a true story, Silent Wedding provides a unique perspective on life in a small village during a turbulent time in history.
In Bulldog Drummond, a young adventurer finds himself trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse. With a stormy night as the backdrop, the world war one veteran uses his wit and courage to outsmart his enemies. As he navigates through a web of lies and deceit, Bulldog Drummond encounters a femme fatale, an evil scientist, and a secret hideout. With the fate worse than death hanging in the balance, Bulldog Drummond must uncover the truth before it's too late.
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