In the year 2005, a robot named Andrew is introduced into the Martin family. Despite initial rejection, the family eventually accepts Andrew as a member of their family. Andrew's journey involves breaking a figurine, carving a new one out of wood, and showcasing his creativity. As Andrew continues to develop, he seeks his own freedom and explores his identity. He encounters other robots and forms a bond with Galatea. Together, they revolutionize robotics and human prosthetic organs. Andrew falls in love with Amanda's granddaughter, Portia, and petitions to be recognized as human. Ultimately, he becomes the oldest non-biblical human being in history and dies with dignity beside his loved ones.
In the small town of Castle Rock, a new shop called 'Needful Things' opens, offering items that fulfill people's deepest desires. However, as the residents become obsessed with their newfound possessions, chaos and violence ensue. It's up to the sheriff to uncover the truth behind the sinister shop owner's intentions.
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