In a world where people collect Pokémon to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent talking Pikachu who seeks to be a detective. Tim Goodman, a 21-year-old insurance adjuster, is contacted by the police of Ryme City after his father, Detective Harry, goes missing in a car accident. Tim meets an amnesiac Pikachu who can only be understood by him and together they uncover a conspiracy involving a genetically engineered Pokémon called Mewtwo. With help from aspiring journalist Lucy Stevens and her Psyduck, they must stop the city's founder from fusing humans and Pokémon using a dangerous gas known as 'R'.
A blind man's hand is reanimated and tries to kill the doctor who brought it back to life.
Dr. Herbert East is working in his uncle's clinic and experimenting with brain transplants.
Robolove is a documentary that explores the interaction between humans and humanoid robots. The filmmaker visits various technology research centers in Japan, Korea, China, USA and Europe as researchers share the challenges of injecting human emotions into these robots.
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