The Lusty Men follows the story of a former rodeo star who takes a job as a rodeo clown and becomes entangled in the complicated lives of a married couple. As he navigates the world of rodeo and deals with personal demons, he must confront the consequences of his choices. Set in the American West, this film explores themes of ambition, love, and redemption.
J.W. Coop, a Korean War veteran, struggles to readjust to civilian life after being released from prison. He tries to rebuild his life, facing racial discrimination and hardships, while pursuing his passion for rodeo.
After a trip to Hollywood, two young ladies attempt to hitchhike home but end up at a star-filled rodeo.
This featurette demonstrates how trained dogs are instrumental in helping round up an outlaw Brahma bull which has been plaguing a ranchers pure-bred Hereford cattle.
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