A Million Miles Away (2023) is a biopic that follows the inspiring story of Jose Hernandez, a young boy who, alongside his family, moves from Mexico to California as migrant workers. Despite facing numerous challenges, Jose never gives up on his dream of becoming an astronaut. Through hard work and determination, he graduates from college and lands a job as an engineer. Despite facing racial stereotyping and repeated rejections from NASA, Jose continues to pursue his dream. Eventually, he is accepted into the NASA space program and goes on a mission to Russia. Along the way, he faces personal loss and struggles with his training but ultimately emerges as an exceptional candidate. Finally, in 2008, he is chosen as a mission specialist for STS-128. This film showcases the power of perseverance, sacrifice, and the importance of never giving up on one's dreams.
Eleven-year-old Steve is the smallest boy in class. He thinks girls are soppy, detests football and prefers painting. To alleviate his loneliness, he occasionally escapes into an excitingly violent fantasy realm of his own creation. His best mate Stuart is the only solid thing in a comfortless world where people argue too much… usually about Steve.
In 'Silent,' a young boy goes on an adventurous journey exploring the woods. Along the way, he becomes covered in mud and encounters a series of unexpected events that challenge his perception of the world.
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